Monday, March 22, 2010

Review: The Simpsons Season 5

I figure I'll start this off with a review of one of my favorite seasons of one of my favorite shows. This won't be an episode by episode review, that would be way too long and it's been done to death by people far more qualified than me. What I'll do here is look at the season as a whole and give my opinions and impressions on it.
The first thing to say is that this season has its own unexplainable charm. I don't know if its the animation, the pacing of the jokes, the writing or a combination of all three but whatever it is it's great and completely unique to this season. Whenever I watch a season 5 episode, it stands out as a season 5 episode.
The important thing to note about season 5 is that it is the first season with a new writing staff, so there definitely is a new take on things. The new writers are clearly trying to prove that they are capable of carrying on the series, yet make their own mark on it and it definitely shows. the plots are bigger (Homer in space, Bart gets an elephant, the Simpsons moving to Terror Lake, Homer being in a world famous, grammy winning band, among others), the jokes are more outrageous (two words: rake gag), and the pacing is perfect.
Not only are the jokes there but there are some truly emotionally touching episodes. In this season Homer is tempted to leave Marge for his new co-worker Mindy ("The Last Temptation of Homer"). Despite the ghost of Col. Klink revealing that everything would be better for both Homer and Marge if he married Mindy, Homer's love for Marge keeps them together. Grandpa also finds love this season in Marge's mother. Although it ends badly for Grandpa (Grandpa makes a grand romantic gesture at the wedding of Mrs. Bouvier and Mr. Burns only to have her turn them both down) you really feel for Grandpa.
We are also treated to some emotional stories from character's outside the family. In "Rosebud" Mr. Burns pines for his long lost teddy bear Bo-Bo (a symbol of Mr. Burns lost innocence, much like the sled from Citizen Kane hence the title of the episode). When the bear winds up in the hands of Maggie, it becomes a battle for the bear. In the end Maggie gives the bear to the beaten Mr. Burns, a sweet moment. Both Principal Skinner ("Seymour Skinner's Baadassss Song") and Apu ("Homer and Apu") lose their jobs and form bond with members of the Simpson family (Bart and Homer respectively) as they try to get them back.
But none of these compare the emotional climax in the season finale, in which Marge finally has had enough and kicks Homer out. Homer utterly falls apart without her, and when all hope seems lost they realize that despite each others flaws they need each other. It's an incredibly heart warming scene, one of the best in the series. I'm not doing it the justice it deserves, so your best bet is to watch the episode yourself ("Secrets of a Successful Marriage").
To me the character that really shines this season is Homer. The writing on his character is absolutely brilliant. A perfect blend of the stupidity, laziness, and good hearted nature that makes Homer so lovable combined with a sense of child like innocence. Of course only writing can go so far if the delivery of the lines is flat, which brings me to the performance of Dan Castellaneta. He has clearly found the character and brought him to life. This is Homer at the top of his game.
Here we see the focus of show is moving from Bart to Homer. A third of the seasons stories put Homer as the protagonist. Those he isn't the focus of he tends to play a big role, or at least delivers a classic, laugh out loud line (seriously he has at least one of these per episode). Unlike later seasons he isn't required to carry an episode. The episodes are strong enough that Homer can be absent for the majority of the show and you won't realize how much you've missed him until he makes an appearance.
I am well aware that this review sounds like nothing but mindless praise, but I truly think this is some of the best TV ever broadcast. I'll end with a list of my favorite episodes from the season, do yourself a favor and check them out.

Mark's Top 5 for Season 5 (in no order):

1) Secrets of A Successful Marriage
2) Bart Gets an Elephant
3) Cape Feare
4) Homer the Vigilante
5) Burns' Heir

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